佛教沈香林紀念中學有幸獲邀參與2024年12月11日至13日於香港會議展覽中心舉行的「LTE學與教博覽」,當中本校學務委員會主任、個人社會及人文學習領域主任張定邦老師於12月11日代表本校於香港大學電子學習發展實驗室(e-Learning Development Laboratory)攤位進行分享,講述得獎教案設計心得、學生學習成果等。
S5 English x Career form-based activity: A Visit to HKU
2024 年 6 月 26 日
On 28/05/2024, more than 80 S5 students and teachers participated in a tour organized by the HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee, visiting the University of Hong Kong and the Ricci Hall dormitory. They first toured the main building, library, and centennial campus facilities, and then went to Ricci Hall to have in-depth discussions with resident students on learning strategies for English Language and other subjects, as well as issues related to further studies and career paths - covering topics from program requirements to diverse pathways and study tips.
On 28/05/2024, more than 80 S5 students and teachers participated in a tour organized by the HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee, visiting the University of Hong Kong and the Ricci Hall dormitory. They first toured the main building, library, and centennial campus facilities, and then went to Ricci Hall to have in-depth discussions with resident students on learning strategies for English Language and other subjects, as well as issues related to further studies and career paths - covering topics from program requirements to diverse pathways and study tips.
S4 English form-based activity: English Movie Appreciation – “Arthur the King”
2024 年 5 月 22 日
As part of the preparation for the School-Based Assessment (SBA) component in the English curriculum, which is one of the scoring compenents of HKDSE, the English department has organized this English movie appreciation activity.
As part of the preparation for the School-Based Assessment (SBA) component in the English curriculum, which is one of the scoring compenents of HKDSE, the English department has organized this English movie appreciation activity.