• 粵劇《六月雪》欣賞

     2024 年 12 月 11 日

    本校中文科一直致力推動學生參與不同類型的文化活動,並培養學生對中華文化的熱愛。本年11月7日下午中文科安排中二級25位學生參加由教育局中國語文教育組與香港八和會館合辦的「藝文會通 ——粵劇《六月雪》欣賞」,地點為高山劇場新翼 —— 演藝廳 。活動讓同學透過觀賞《六月雪》折子戲及粵劇導賞,認識粵劇的基本元素、培養審美情趣和評鑒能力,促進文學文化學習。
  • 2024優異旅團獎勵計劃及旅團領袖嘉許計劃頒奬禮

     2024 年 12 月 10 日

  • 樂繫校園獎勵計劃

     2024 年 12 月 9 日

By 0Published On: 2024 年 3 月 20 日0Last Updated: 2024 年 5 月 8 日0Categories: 校外體驗0Total Views: 3020Daily Views: 200.5 min read0Tags: , , 093 words0
[跨學科價值觀教育學習活動] 英文科濕地公園考察

[跨學科價值觀教育學習活動] 英文科濕地公園考察

[跨學科價值觀教育學習活動] 英文科濕地公園考察

發佈日期 : 2024 年 3 月 20 日

On 20th March, the English Department took S.3 students to Hong Kong Wetland Park, allowing them to learn Module 4: A Climate Emergency outside the classroom. The trip enhanced their understanding of wetland ecosystems and conservation. Through observing various flora and fauna in their natural habitats, the students deepened their knowledge of wetland ecology and environmental sustainability. Meanwhile, they collected information for a post-visit reflection journal. The visit not only fostered a sense of appreciation for wild animals and their habitats, but also enriched students’ thematic vocabulary in their learning in an authentic context.

On 20th March, the English Department took S.3 students to Hong Kong Wetland Park, allowing them to learn Module 4: A Climate Emergency outside the classroom. The trip enhanced their understanding of wetland ecosystems and conservation. Through observing various flora and fauna in their natural habitats, the students deepened their knowledge of wetland ecology and environmental sustainability. Meanwhile, they collected information for a post-visit reflection journal. The visit not only fostered a sense of appreciation for wild animals and their habitats, but also enriched students’ thematic vocabulary in their learning in an authentic context.

  • 樂繫校園獎勵計劃


     2024 年 12 月 9 日


     2024 年 12 月 9 日

  • 學生英文寫作獲南華早報刊登


     2024 年 9 月 10 日

    本校中六學生周聖強在「Project WeCan」的南華早報英語作文班中,從基礎訓練(level 1)一直晉級至最高級別(level 3),與全港其他遴選優秀學生經歷名人採訪及撰寫英語新聞稿的學習旅程。

     2024 年 9 月 10 日

    本校中六學生周聖強在「Project WeCan」的南華早報英語作文班中,從基礎訓練(level 1)一直晉級至最高級別(level 3),與全港其他遴選優秀學生經歷名人採訪及撰寫英語新聞稿的學習旅程。
  • 香港佛教聯合會聯校英文教師專業發展日23-24


     2024 年 7 月 10 日


     2024 年 7 月 10 日

  • S5 English x Career form-based activity: A Visit to HKU

    S5 English x Career form-based activity: A Visit to HKU

     2024 年 6 月 26 日

    On 28/05/2024, more than 80 S5 students and teachers participated in a tour organized by the HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee, visiting the University of Hong Kong and the Ricci Hall dormitory. They first toured the main building, library, and centennial campus facilities, and then went to Ricci Hall to have in-depth discussions with resident students on learning strategies for English Language and other subjects, as well as issues related to further studies and career paths - covering topics from program requirements to diverse pathways and study tips.

     2024 年 6 月 26 日

    On 28/05/2024, more than 80 S5 students and teachers participated in a tour organized by the HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee, visiting the University of Hong Kong and the Ricci Hall dormitory. They first toured the main building, library, and centennial campus facilities, and then went to Ricci Hall to have in-depth discussions with resident students on learning strategies for English Language and other subjects, as well as issues related to further studies and career paths - covering topics from program requirements to diverse pathways and study tips.
  • S4 English form-based activity: English Movie Appreciation – “Arthur the King”

    S4 English form-based activity: English Movie Appreciation – “Arthur the King”

     2024 年 5 月 22 日

    As part of the preparation for the School-Based Assessment (SBA) component in the English curriculum, which is one of the scoring compenents of HKDSE, the English department has organized this English movie appreciation activity.

     2024 年 5 月 22 日

    As part of the preparation for the School-Based Assessment (SBA) component in the English curriculum, which is one of the scoring compenents of HKDSE, the English department has organized this English movie appreciation activity.
  • S1 English form-based activity – A Visit to Olympic House

    S1 English form-based activity – A Visit to Olympic House

     2024 年 5 月 22 日

    To enrich the knowledge of our S1 students about Module 4, which focuses on the Olympic Games, the English department organized an engaging visit to the Hong Kong Olympic House.

     2024 年 5 月 22 日

    To enrich the knowledge of our S1 students about Module 4, which focuses on the Olympic Games, the English department organized an engaging visit to the Hong Kong Olympic House.