S5 English x Career form-based activity: A Visit to HKU
S5 English x Career form-based activity: A Visit to HKU
發佈日期 : 2024 年 6 月 26 日
On 28/05/2024, more than 80 S5 students and teachers participated in a tour organized by the HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee, visiting the University of Hong Kong and the Ricci Hall dormitory. They first toured the main building, library, and centennial campus facilities, and then went to Ricci Hall to have in-depth discussions with resident students on learning strategies for English Language and other subjects, as well as issues related to further studies and career paths – covering topics from program requirements to diverse pathways and study tips. The participants engaged in lively discussions and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The activity enhanced students’ understanding of university admission requirements and campus life, and fully encouraged them to strive for excellence in the HKDSE next year.
Organising bodies: BSC English Language Education Department, BSC Careers Committee and HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee
On 28/05/2024, more than 80 S5 students and teachers participated in a tour organized by the HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee, visiting the University of Hong Kong and the Ricci Hall dormitory. They first toured the main building, library, and centennial campus facilities, and then went to Ricci Hall to have in-depth discussions with resident students on learning strategies for English Language and other subjects, as well as issues related to further studies and career paths – covering topics from program requirements to diverse pathways and study tips. The participants engaged in lively discussions and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The activity enhanced students’ understanding of university admission requirements and campus life, and fully encouraged them to strive for excellence in the HKDSE next year.
Organising bodies: BSC English Language Education Department, BSC Careers Committee and HKU Ricci Hall Social Affairs Committee
英文科於10月30日舉辦2024-25英文週Spooktacular Halloween Mini Fashion Show活動,共有16位參賽同學﹑10位表演老師及10多位家長參與,比賽共設有冠、亞及季軍,及全民投票之Funniest Costume獎項。學生及老師在台上施展渾身解數,展現特色萬聖節服飾,並以英語對白/口號傳遞扮演角色的個性。
S.3 Form-based Activity: a Charity Sale
2024 年 10 月 24 日
To align with the theme of Module 1 Lend a Helping Hand, S.3 students are required to hold a charity sale to raise money for a charitable cause. To facilitate the charity event, S.3 English teachers conducted a Crafts Time session during two English lessons.
To align with the theme of Module 1 Lend a Helping Hand, S.3 students are required to hold a charity sale to raise money for a charitable cause. To facilitate the charity event, S.3 English teachers conducted a Crafts Time session during two English lessons.
S4 English form-based activity: English Movie Appreciation – “Arthur the King”
2024 年 5 月 22 日
As part of the preparation for the School-Based Assessment (SBA) component in the English curriculum, which is one of the scoring compenents of HKDSE, the English department has organized this English movie appreciation activity.
As part of the preparation for the School-Based Assessment (SBA) component in the English curriculum, which is one of the scoring compenents of HKDSE, the English department has organized this English movie appreciation activity.